Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 7, 2015

Dịch Việt - Anh

1- "thu được, đạt được"
The skills (that) children acquire at school can prepare them for their future.

2- Có liên quan tới việc gì đó 
.......has been linked in part to.....

3- " thiếu sự quan tâm của bố mẹ"
.... lack of attention from their parents.
.......lacks attention form their parents.

4- "gặp khó khăn khi làm việc gì đó"
A large number of students often find it hard to get a job/ find work.

5- "lợi ích của điều gì đó"
There are several benefit to studying arts subjects at school.

6- Sinh viên sau khi tốt nghiệp
after graduate/ upon graduate/ university graduates

6.1- Công việc tốt
a well-paid job/ a high-paying job

7- "sẽ tốt hơn cho ai đó"
In my view, it would be better for children to go to primary school at five.

8- "thu được, kiếm được, dành được"
Children may gain a great deal of real experience if they start school early. (early schooling)

9- Kết quả học tập
Hard work leads to a better academic result.

10- "khi còn nhỏ" 
Children should be taught to be independent at young age.

11- "thành công trong sự nghiệp"
If students work hard, they will be more likely to be successful in their careers.

12- "sẽ tốt cho ai đó"
It would be beneficial for old people to do exercise regularly.

13- " bằng cấp "
Academic qualifications do not always play an important role because many professions.

14- " có nhiều/ ít cơ hội "
There is little chance that working parents/ are less likely to be able to..v...v. are able to spend a good part of their time taking care of their children.

15- "đóng vai trò quan trọng"/ giữ vai trò, nhân tố quan trọng.
A large number of people think that women play an important

16- Giữ vai trò quan trọng tương đương.
" equally in important"

17- Nhân tố chính
I do not believe that scores are the key consideration 

18- " một vài yếu tố"
Many people who choose their accommodation based on several factors.

19- " quan trọng như nhau"
Many people think that traditional values are just as important as what we are busing to achieve.

20- " dẫn đến, góp phần"
Having parents who spend a great deal of time taking care of them can lead to children's higher level of happiness.

21- "...quá chú trọng vào việc gì đó .....quên đi, hy sinh điều gì đó "
A large number of advertising companies are too focused on making profits at the expense of children's health.

22- " tiến bộ trong học tập"
- gain more high- achieving academic results
- improve their academic performance

23- đặt nặng cái đó, đợi 
The course places emphasis on practical work ( place (too much) an emphasis on smth )

24- chuẩn bị tốt cho tương lai "
Parents need to ensure their children are prepared carefully for their future.

Dich 26/07/2015

25- Students should be encouraged to start work at 18/ at the age of 18.

26- The gap between the rich ( rich people ) and the poor ( poor people ) is increasing in Vietnam.

27- However, the reality is that university graduates from poor families ( a disadvantage background ) usually find it hard to compete with those from more affluent backgrounds when they apply for a job ( find work ).

28- This means/ + ( that ) SVO/ + N-phrase

A more competitive learning enviroment means students need to work hard.
This means there is a strong relationship between income levels / the amount of money that a person can earn and the ability to get a good job.

29- The labour market is increasingly competitive, which means ( that ) the demand for qualified staff is increasing / rising/ growing.

30- An increasingly competitive labour market means greater demand for qualified staff.

N- phrase - means - N-phrase

31- High school students need to work hard to get into university.
(Formal ) => There is a need for high school students to work hard to get into university.

32- In my view, schools should take lead in providing soft skills for school students/ learners , and those from a disadvantage background in particular.

33- Ability to smth
Forcing children to start work early would undermine their ability to develop naturally/ their natural development

34- Children should be encouraged to have fun and learn at the same time rather than just / merely poring over text books

Bài dịch 5/8/2015

35- Young people who live in cities ( young city dwellers ) are facing with many problems, and unemployment in particular.
For me, it would be v.....v

36-  Many think that it would be beneficial for them to get a job/ find work.

37- However, in my view, high school graduates/ leavers should continue their studies rather than choosing to work.

38- For many, getting a job that suits their hobbies and abilities is very important 

39- For some, it is not money but rather other factors that - make people satisfied with their jobs*
make them better people/ make it possible for smb to do smth/ make large contributions to society.

40- With the introduction of modern technologies, we are able to communication with each other in many ways

41- With S1-V1-ing , S2-V2-O2
With social networking sites, and Facebook in particular, becoming a feature of youth culture, a lack of access to the Internet might lead to xxxx

42- It would be beneficial for children to start school early. However, the reality is that many were forced to work at the age of five.

43- There are several ways for parents to help their children to become useful members of society.

44- There are several benefits of introducing arts subjects in to school curriculum.

1- Internet có thể mang lại nhiều hậu quả xấu, đặc biệt là khi chúng ta ít giao tiếp với nhau hơn trước.
=> The Internet may bring some negative effects, particularly when we communicate with each other less than before.
2- Nhiều người mong muốn học đại học nhưng họ không có tiền ( họ gặp phải vấn đề về tài chính ).
=> Many people wish to acquire university education but face financial issue . In order address this issue, the government needs to (provide financial support for) these people.
C2: There is a need for the government to support them financially to solve this issue.
3- Một lợi ích của việc làm cho nhiều công ty khác nhau là việc có thể thu được nhiều kỹ năng và kiến thức.
A benefit of working for many companies is the knowledge and skills.
4- Không giống như thư viện, một ngôi trường online ( ảo ) có thể cho phép người học lấy tài liệu vào bất kỳ thời điểm nào.
=> Unlike a library, a virtual school/allows learners to access learning materials at  any time.
5- Học sinh và giáo viên ít được giao tiếp với nhau, điều này có thể dẫn đến việc một số học sinh mất động lực học. Điều này đặc biệt đúng với những học sinh ý thức kém.
=> There is lack of interaction between students and teachers this may bad to some students losing their motivation. This is particularly the cause for unmotivated ones.
6- Nhiều doanh nghiệp chọn hình thức học online để đào tạo nhân viên của họ.
=> Many businesses choose E-learning ( as way) to train their staff employees.
7- Những trẻ em phải đi làm sớm thường mất cơ hội học hành.
=> Children who start work at a young age often lose their educational opportunities.


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