Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 9, 2015

Demo writing - mr Vinh

Some people think that the government should invest in health care, others think it is better to invest in education. Discuss.
On the one hand, there are those who believe that the government should invest in health care. (the government budget -> the medical system)
The government should allocate its budget for the medical system.
A provide B with smth. (parents provide children with education opportunities)
è B is provided with smth (by A)
On the one hand, there are those who believe that the government budget should be allocated for the medical system.Firstly, an investment in medical research is never a waste of public money. This can pave the way for new therapies and medicines that can save a countless number of desperate patients of fatal diseases such as cancer and HIV. Secondly, a free medical system can encourage more people to go to hospital for medical checks. Thus, health problems may be diagnosed, allowing people to take medical assistance at an early stage rather than delaying until a more costly treatment is required.
·         Many people are suffering from fatal diseases that are incurable.
·         Many lives are terminated due to lack of medical treatment and available medicines, which makes it necessary to pour the government budget into medical research
·         Patients in desperate need would be saved

-       Benefits? Extend life expectancy. Why?
o   What? Equipment (buy, modernize)
o   Doctors, (!)
o   Medical research (new cure, new therapy). Now, many fatal diseases -> many people die due to lack of treatment, medicines.
o   Medical services. (!)
o   Medicines.
o   Free medical treatment. (more people come to hospital, who? The poor, they do not have money)
-       Drawbacks of (it not) -> diseases develop -> costly, or die -> public health.
On the other hand, I side with those who argue that the national budget should be diverted to education. A free education system will provide people with a chance to attend school. They will gain knowledge and qualification, which helps them to secure a job after graduation. Joining the workforce, people make their contributions to economic growth and a decrease in unemployment figures. Germany can be taken as an example. Its strong economy and high level of public security partly stems from its free education policy at all school levels. This confirms the important role of education in any society.
-       Benefits?
-       Education: go to school -> gain knowledge and qualifications -> find a job -> reduce unemployment and contribute to economic growth. Think of an example: Germany has a free education system -> strong economy

Some people think that job satisfaction is more important while other people think that a stable job is more important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
On the one hand, there are those who are in favour of job satisfaction.
-       When people enjoy their jobs, they will have motivation to finish the job with high productivity.
-       As a result, they can expect promotion opportunities and high salary.
-       In contrast, people who do not like their jobs tend to feel bored, which affects the quality of the job.
-       This can lead to unexpected outcomes such as being fired.
-       My brother lost his job last month.
-       He told me that the main reason is his lack of interest in sales, which made it difficult for him to reach the target given by the managers.
On the other hand, I side with those who believe that having a stable job is of paramount importance.
-       We all need money to pay for our cost of living/maintain our standard of living.
-       For those with dependent children, a monthly salary is the top priority among other things.
-       My sister has two small children.
-       She does not care too much about the poor working conditions of her jobs because she has many mouths to feed at home.

Scientists tell us that some activities are good for health and others are bad. Despite knowing that, millions of people still continue doing unhealthy activities. What are the causes and what are the solutions for this?
-       Smoking: addicted, habits
-       Alcohol: nt
-       Staying up late, getting up late: habit.
-       Using computers too much: heavy workload. Spend too much time in front of the computer screen. (the labour market becomes more competitive than ever)
-       Fast food: busy working -> no time to cook -> eat fast food instead.
Many people develop unhealthy habits for a long time.
-       Some smoke while others drink alcohol. They are willing to trade their health for some pleasure of cigarettes and beer.
-       Many stay up late and get up late in the next morning. They may feel reluctant to make a change for the better by going to bed early.
Life has become busier than before. This means that people often devote time to work rather than spending time cooking meals for themselves. As a result, they opt for fast food as an alternative for lunches and dinners. This results in health risks such as xxx and yyy. An illustration of this is the growth of fast food business in Vietnam in recent years.


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