Thứ Bảy, 15 tháng 8, 2015

Education + habit

1. When did you start your higher education? what university are you studying in and what is your major?
2. Why did you choose your subject? Do you think it's a good choice?
3. Apart from gaining knowledge, what can you benefit from your study at University?
4. What skills did your university equip you and what skills were necesssary for you to study your subject?
5. What is the most difficult part of your course?
6. What do you think about your University?
7. What is the most interesting thing in your university life?
8. What facility support you in your study? Do you think your University need to improve anything?
9. Do you think your major is difficult? Do you regret choosing it?
10. Do you like taking a year out before attending tertiary education?
11. What are some good habits to have?
12. Where do we learn our habits?
13. Is it easy to get rid of a bad habit? what habit do you think is the most difficult one to get out of?
14. How can we develop a good habit?
15. Do you have any bad habit? Have you ever tried to get out of it?
16. How do other people's habits affect your work and life? for good or for ill?
17. Are we born with our bad habits or do we acquire them from the environment surrounding us?
18. Are you planning to have any good habit?

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