Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 8, 2015

Những cụm từ "chất" trong writing ielts task 2

1-     A lends itself to B ~ A is suitable for B
Ex: The physical beauty of me lends itself to the fashion industry.
Formal exams lend themselves to some subjects, but practical judgments are better for hands-on courses.
1-     Mean: A more serious punishment means that dangerous drivers have to be more aware of their actions, and this may increase the level of road safety.
2-     Paramount importance ~ very importance
Road safety is of paramount importance, which urges the government to take actions to reduce the risk of road accidents.
3-     To resist Smth
Many young people find it difficult to resist the allure of fast food.
Many sportspeople cannot resist the allure of money, and they may find ways to cheat. We can easily cite many footballers pretending to give a poor performance to change the match result.
4-     The craving for Smth
Many people cannot overcome the carving for fast food due to their addiction.
5-     To put smth/smb in danger/ jeopardy.
Natural disasters put many people in danger jeopardy.
6-     To hinder Smth , to hinder/prevent Smb/Smth from doing Smth
Lack of qualification may hinder employment opportunities.
The constraint of natural resources hinders the effort of some countries in producing food for their population.
7-     To hold the economy back for development.

8- A restriction to Smth, lack of Smth, a shortage of Smth, the dearth of Smth, poor access to Smth.
Restriction to water use may result in many people suffering health problems.
9- To increase the risk of Smth
Smoking increases the risk of several health problems such as lung cancer, throat cancer and heart disease.
10- To result in a decrease/ reduction in the level of Smth.
The over reliance on private vehicles results in a decrease in the level of public health.
Distance learning results in a reduction in the level of social skills of learners.
11- To trade Smth for Smth else
Some sports players trade their integrity/ career paths for a deal of money by using drugs.
1- A is often associated with B
A high unemployment rate is often associated with a high crime figure.
2- A correlates with B
A high-fat diet correlates with a greater risk of heart disease.
3- A stems from B
Crime often stems from insufficient education/lack of education.
4- A has its root from B
5- To pave the way for Smth, is the precursor of Smth.
The growth of the tourisms industry paves the way for economic growth.
6- To allow Smb/Smt to do Smth
The appearance of low-cost arlines allows ordinary people to travel more conveniently.
1- To have (Not cause) adverse effects/impacts on Smth/ Smb.
Smorking has adverse effects on the health of people.
Industrial activities have detrimental effects on the natural environment.
2- To impair education quality/public health.
A low level of interaction between teachers and students may impair education quality.
3- To put Smth under strain/pressure
The rural-urban migration puts infrastructure in/of cities under strain.
The rural-urban migration puts a strain on infrastructure of cities.
4- To blame Smth for Smth
Industrial activities should be blamed for environmental contamination.
5- To cause Smth to deteriorate/to cause Smth/ Smb to suffer.
The poor air quality causes public health to deteriorate.
Humans have no righ to cause animals to suffer.
6- To trigger Smth
High unemployment rates trigger the rise of criminal activities.
7- To threaten Smth
Criminals threaten the life and belongings of innocent people, so they
should be sent to prison.
1- To have a profound/ detrimental effect on Smth
A family has a profound effect on the development of a child.
Human activities have detrimental effects on the natural environment.
2- To contribute of smth
The tobacco industry contributes to the tax system.
3- To alleviate/ mitigate Smth
The government should take actions to alleviate/ mitigate environmental pollution/contamination.
4- To be beneficial to Smth/Smb
Regular exercise is highly beneficial to the health of people.
5- To result in Smth/Smb doing Smth.
A higher tax rate will result in people buying fast food at a higher price.
6- To stimulate Smth
The growing consumption of consumer goods stimulate/foster economic growth.
7- To be praised for Smth
Advertising is usually praised for its contribution to economic growth.
8- To act as a catalyst for Smth (band9)
An investment in education acts as a catalyst for economic growth.
9- To deter/discourage Smth from doing Smth
The high price of fast food may deter individuals/ consumers/ fast food eaters from eating/ consuming excessively.

A higher course of penalty can deter potential criminals from engaging in unlawful activities

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