Thứ Sáu, 11 tháng 12, 2015

Đề thi Speaking ielts

ĐỀ 1
  • - What is your full name?
  • - Can I see your ID?
  • - Where are you from?
  • - Do you work or study?
  • - Do you find it interesting?
  • - How is it helpful to you?
  • - Are there any age limits for becoming a student in your country?
  • - What should they be, in your opinion?
  • - Do you think this will change in the future?
  • - What type of movies do you usually watch? Why?
  • - Was there any change in your preference since you were a child?
  • - If you had a chance would you make a movie? Why?
  • - How long have you been studying mathematics for?
  • - Do you find it useful?
  • - Why is it important?
  • - Do you think it might be useful for everybody in day to day life?

Cue Card
Talk about a stage of your life that you enjoyed the most. Please say
  • - When was it?
  • - Where were you at the time?
  • - Why did you enjoy it so much?
- thời thơ ấu
- giường như khi đó chỉ có niềm vui mà không có nỗi buồn
 when looking back, I’ve realized that childhood is the most precious time in my life.
- it seems to me that this time just only have happiness without sadness
How/ Activity
- khi đó tôi sống ở 1 ngôi nhà nhỏ với gia đình tôi ở VP => yên bình, hàng xóm tốt bụng, 
- tôi dễ dàng kết bạn với mọi đứa trẻ trong xóm
- chúng tôi thường đi chơi cả ngày
* Small house
- in which neighbors know each other’s name, they were very kind and friendly.
- it is easy for me to ...
- we often spent a lot of time playing football and going fishing. 
- tôi thường trèo lên 1 cái cây to để ngắm những ngôi sao trên bầu trời => lần đầu tiên tôi nhìn thấy sao băng => ngạc nhiên 
* at night, I often climbed to a big tree to look in the sky => this is the first time I saw shooting star => it was wonderful => I was surprising
- không bao giờ quên quãng thời gian đó
- tưởng tượng 1 ngày nào đó được tận hưởng cảm giác tự do và hạnh phúc
* I never forget the precious time
- Sometimes, I imagine/ wish that I was a boy running on a large field, enjoying a free life as my childhood

  • - Do you see a change in your personality since those days?
  • - How are old people treated in your country? Why?
  • - Is there an age when a person must stop working in your country?
  • - Are there any problems caused by these restrictions?
  • - What can be done to help the people affected by these restrictions?
ĐỀ 2

Talk about a thing that you own and never used. Please say
- what is it ?
- when did you get it ?
- why didn't you use it ?

- cái bút bi
- màu xanh blue
- nhìn rất đơn giản như nhiều cây bút khác
* a blue pen
- simple like many others

 - Nó gợi nhớ về 1 kỷ niệm hồi trung học
- khi đó, tôi có 1 người bạn gái => tôi thích cô ấy và cô ấy cũng thích tôi, tuy nhiên chưa ai nói ra 
- 1 ngày cô ấy tặng tôi 1 cây bút và nói cô ấy phải đi xa vì bố mẹ phải chuyển công tác => thấy buồn và hụt hẫng
* remind me of one memory when I was a student in high school
- had a girl friend => had black long hair, beautiful => I like her, her like me too, but we never shared this feeling with each other
- one day, she give me a pen and said that she had to go away because her parents had to move to another workplace
=> I felt sad , it take me a lot of time to reduce the sadness
 - tôi không bao giờ gặp lại cô ấy nhưng mỗi khi nhìn thấy cây bút đó => tôi luôn mỉm cười và nhớ lại kỷ niệm ngọt ngào của thời học sinh 
* I never saw her again
but always keep the pen carefully 
=> every time I see it, I always mile and remember sweet memory with her.

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